Pradaxa reversal
Pradaxa reversal

pradaxa reversal

For comparison of coagulation variables, blood cell count, and hemodynamic variables, a repeated measure analysis of variance was used with intervention as group-factor and time as repeated-factor.

pradaxa reversal

Differences in total blood loss between groups were assessed using analysis of variance, with post hoc Tukey adjustment. 10 Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 22 (SPSS, USA) and GraphPad Prism 6.0h (GraphPad Software, USA) was used for graphing purposes. The sample size was based on previous experience from a similar animal model with prothrombin complex concentrate monotherapy for the reversal of dabigatran. The primary endpoint of this study was the reduction in blood loss. 26, 27 There is also international recognition that tranexamic acid can reduce mortality by preventing fibrinolysis. 23–25 In other countries such as the United States, there is more reliance upon treatment with allogeneic blood products ( e.g., cryoprecipitate, fresh frozen plasma), potentially using a fixed-ratio approach. In central European countries, it is common for coagulation management to be based on coagulation factor concentrates ( e.g., fibrinogen concentrate, prothrombin complex concentrate), administered according to point-of-care coagulation monitoring. However, in massive bleeding with complex coagulopathy, specific reversal of dabigatran may not be sufficient to achieve hemostasis multimodal treatment with a range of hemostatic agents may be required. 22 Since idarucizumab binds only to dabigatran, it has no intrinsic coagulation activity. 20, 21 Preclinical and clinical studies have shown that it achieves immediate and sustained reversal. Idarucizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody fragment, is the first specific antidote for reversing the anticoagulant activity of dabigatran.

Pradaxa reversal