Active sky xp no weather radar
Active sky xp no weather radar

active sky xp no weather radar

Q: Does the winds-aloft briefing now include multiple flight-levels and their associated averages for big-irons to decide the best enroute FL?A: Winds aloft briefing does include multiple flight levels during winds aloft by waypoint report, but only a single average as per your cruise altitude. DWC brings this data accurately and smoothly. Q: manually refresh AI?A: Yes, we have implemented a manual refresh AI button as well as automatic AI refresh on first depiction (for both versions of FS) Q: Is transoceanic coverage any better?A: Transoceanic data points remain the same, but new interpolation and enhanced depiction processes bring a higher level of end-result resolution.

active sky xp no weather radar

Q: Is ASA Compatible with SP1?A: Yes, compatible with SP1 or SP2. Hi,Here are some FAQs, we will be adding to these as necessary.

Active sky xp no weather radar