Mass effect 2 xbox 360 download free
Mass effect 2 xbox 360 download free

mass effect 2 xbox 360 download free

** MELE Spectre Gear Bug Workaround Savefile*** Please email me your Char#.pcsav files at with a description of your Shepard (Gender, History, Level, Romance, Virmire Survivor, Councillor, Wrex Alive, Paragon/Renegade, if you did most quests, anything else important) or tweet me if you can help.

mass effect 2 xbox 360 download free

After finishing MELE1, a new "Char" folder is created inside your "Documents -> Bioware -> Mass Effect Legendary Edition -> Save -> ME1" folder. I am looking for some MELE1 saves to manually test with and host. There may be other news on the horizon, but for now there is a plan to accept MELE1 saves soon! Hopefully also getting uploads fixed in the first two games. I now own (nothing there yet) and there's a plan in motion to get it up and running in the next few days, maybe by end of the weekend. Read below for news & announcements about this site. ^^ Hey, see those buttons right up there ^^ that say "Mixed Alignment" "Renegade" "Paragon" underneath both "Male Shepard" and "Female Shepard"? Click on whichever corresponds to your choice to start downloading saves.

Mass effect 2 xbox 360 download free